pain management clinic singapore

Clinical Conditions

At Specialist Pain International Clinic, your initial appointment will start with a complete assessment by our pain physician. Your pain specialist will ask you about your symptoms, perform a physical examination, and review any x-rays or scans you may have had.

The next step will be to ascertain the most likely cause of your pain with specialised diagnostic procedures. Spinal problems and chronic pain are frequently complex, and as such they require careful consideration and, in many cases, thorough investigation. Once a diagnosis has been made, your treatment options will be discussed. You will always be involved in the decision-making process, and we will guide you through it.

The main aim is to get you better with the least invasive treatment possible. This may involve you having some injections, or being cared for by our physiotherapist and clinical pilates expert. In some cases rest and/or specific exercises may be all that is required.

If your situation is more complicated, either with the diagnosis being unclear or your response to conventional treatment methods being less than expected, your situation may be discussed in a case conference. This is where all of our experts sit down together to try and come up with a solution for you.

Whichever path you take, at Specialist Pain International Clinic you can rest assured that you will be treated with respect and compassion, whilst at the same time receiving state-of-the-art medical care.